


cash envelope system


This year I started using the Dave Ramsey envelope system.  If you are not familiar with what the envelope system is…..I will give you a brief rundown. First, you label an envelope for each bill that you currently pay. Next, decide how much cash you will need to allocate to that envelope for the month, according to the budget that you planned. Once you spend all the money in that envelope, it’s spent until the next month when you look at your budget and start the process all over again. If you are trying to pay off bills and become debt free this is a great method. 

I have quite a few bills that I budget for and finding an envelope system that works for me has taken me quite some time to figure out. I started out with paper envelopes, but that was way too much clutter to carry in my purse. Next, I started to keep a few envelopes in my purse but would be out running errands, only to find that I didn’t bring the envelopes I actually needed.  

Then, I switched to multiple paper clips of money that I kept in my wallet. This method didn’t work because the clips would get mixed up when I got in a hurry at the checkout line. I found that I was just shoving money in my wallet haphazardly. This system may have worked if I just didn’t look at the person behind me and focused more on keeping myself organized. 🙁 (Everybody is always in a hurry!) I hate to be the one holding up the line. 

So, while shopping in the Dollar Tree this month I noticed these coupon organizers. I don’t usually have many coupons but I immediately thought about the current state of my envelope system and decided this just may be just what I needed.

This coupon organizer has six generous pocket dividers and a black sturdy strap for easy closure. All of the organizers have a fun 3D depth look to them with designs that are very cute and something that I don’t mind carrying in my purse.


PicMonkey Collage


Of course, you can use them for what they were meant for, which is to hold coupons. You could even keep them in your purse to organize receipts. I keep six of my most used bill categories and can say this has been the perfect envelope system for me.  What is your cash envelope system? I would love know what everyone else uses.



Owl talk to y’all later!


  1. Phillip Chipping

    Love your ingenuity in implementing the cash envelope system! We have developed a new way to do the cash envelope system, too, but with a debit card! We’re looking for people who want to be beta testers… Would love to chat with you about it, if you’re interested. Check it out at http://www.envudu.com and shoot me an email if you want more info: phillip (at) envudu (dot) com.